
ME NO ME  Japanese Arts and Antiques【English】



In this English-language issue, we selected features from the past issues of monthly antique art magazine “ME NO ME (Japanese Edition), focusing on interviews and stories of Japanese contemporary artists (Sugimoto Hiroshi), art collectors, and art dealers that represent the current antique art scene of Japan. Furthermore, Japanese old pottery, flower arrangements (Ikebana), Japanese dishes, Netsuke, and variety of Japanese antique art works are introduced with beautiful photos.


Special Interview
Sugimoto Hiroshi –
Signs of divine presence behind Japanese Artistry

Collector’s File
Maezawa Yusaku
Souda Kansui
Sato Tatsumi

IKEBANA : Breathing life into an antique
Ikenobo Sen’ei, 45th Generation Ikenobo Headmaster
Ikenobo Senko, Ikenobo Headmaster Designate

Art Collector Vanguards : Past and Present of Antique Art
Toda Hiroshi, Tanimatsuya Toda
Inoue Shigeo, Kochukyo Co., Ltd.
Kawashima Tadashi, Mayuyama & Co., Ltd.
Yanagi Takashi, Oriental Fine Arts “Yanagi”
Tajima Mitsuru, London Gallery

Dressing up KOIMARI
Koimari ware in its formal attire.
Shoki Imari, Kakiemon and Nabeshima with fine cuisine to complement the wonderful examples of Koimari masterpieces.

SHIN ZEN BI – il restauratore
A special inside report on the art of antique ceramics restoration by Mayuyama Koji and Mayuyama Yu.

The mystical world of spirits and demons






戦国時代に一世を風靡した織部焼。歴史上に生きた人物を後年に名に冠した珍しいやきものです。 大胆な造形と革新的なデザインは多くの人々を魅了し、日本人の美意識を中世から近世へとシフトアップさせました。それから400年、令和の時代となっても織部焼は高い人気を誇っています。今回は伝世の茶道具からうつわ、陶片にいたるまで、多彩な展開を見せた織部を現代に継承し、使いこなす愉しみを紹介します。

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